Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sloppy Firsts, by Meg McCafferty

Sloppy Firsts is an excellent novel. It follows a year in the life of sixteen year old Jessica Darling. Jessica’s best friend, Hope, moves away from Pineville she is devastated and doesn’t know how she’ll cope growing up alone. Without hope she doesn’t know how she’ll to cope with the boy/shopping crazy girls at school, her mother obsessing over her sister, Bethany’s wedding, her track obsessed dad, and her non-existent love life. This book is a must read! The funny writing style of Cafferty is similar to Judy Blume and Dorothy Parker. nout of n. The sequel to this wonderful novel is titled Second Helpings, followed by Charmed Thirds and Fourth Comings

1 comment:

The Shaftesbury Review said...

With apologies. This Post should have been credited to A. G. Sorry for the error.

M Friesen