Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poison, by Chris Wooding

The morbid tale of a vengeful assassin... is not this book. This one is more like a fairy tale that's been twisted around so that the ends meet, and the middle part is just as loopy.

A girl named Poison lives in a swamp, and she doesn't like it, because she doesn't fit in and her step-mother hates her. When her little sister, Azalea, is kidnapped by phaeries in the middle of the night and a changeling is left in her place, Poison leaves her home town in order to go and rescue her sister. Sounds simple? Well, it's not. Take all the fairy tales you can think of and smoosh them together, and that's just the beginning, but I won't say any more, because spoilers are bad.

This book is definitely for people who like action and adventure, and don't forget twisted fairy tales. If you don't like twisted fairy tales, find something else to read.

Another good book by the same author is "The Weavers of Saramyr" and the ensuing trilogy.


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